Antiques are beautiful items that lie around collecting dust. In many cases, they also collect value as they age. However, it can be difficult to know just how much an item is worth simply by looking it up online. There are many variables to consider when assessing the market value of an item. Hiring a professional estate sale company in Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia can help you determine the precise value of an item and the best ways to market it to prospective bidders. That’s where iStuffSellers comes in.
There is no need to wonder what your antiques are worth. Contact iStuffSellers at 301-401-6688. It would be our pleasure to appraise your antiques and help you determine their value in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia marketplace.

Sell Military Antiques & Surplus at an Estate Sale
There are many veterans throughout Northern Virginia and Maryland. Many of these soldiers brought back souvenirs from battlefields and duty stations on foreign shores. Whether from Germany or Japan, Korea or Vietnam, these items should be put before a military antique specialist prior to putting them up for sale. The value of military antiques is determined by the item’s rarity, age, and historical significance. Whether it is an old helmet, photo album, weapon, or piece of kit, it can be even more valuable if its origin can be pinpointed to a specific date, location, or individual.
We Sell Antique Americana in Maryland, Washington, DC & Virginia
Americana is always a popular seller. Items from recognized companies such as by Coca Cola®, McDonald’s, Good Humor, Lucky Strike, etc., artwork, and even advertisements can sell for eye-opening sums. Specialty and promotional items are often rarer, which increases their value. A trained appraiser can help research the history and origin of the item. This information can then be used to craft marketing materials that highlight the item’s rarity and significance.
Do you have antique Americana collecting dust in your garage? CContact iStuffSellers at 301-401-6688 and we will help you determine the best ways to present the item at an estate sale so that buyers in DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia will be eager to take it off your hands for a premium price.
Art, Sculptures & More
You don’t always know when a beloved painting is more than just a work of art. Some pieces were crafted by well-known artists who were just starting out. These pieces can be very valuable to collectors who are eager to own a piece of art produced by an artist before they were famous. These pieces require special care to determine when, where, and by whom they were created. It is a process that can be well worth the time invested as you don’t always know when you have a Dali, Rockwell, Warhol, or Parrish on the wall. While it is rare to uncover a previously unknown masterpiece, it does happen from time to time.
The same is true for antique sculptures. Limited edition reproductions are very common in estate auctions. However, each sculpture varies in value depending on how many were produced, the item’s age, its composition, and the item’s overall condition. Reproduced items by Frederic Remington, Marcel Duchamp, Cy Twombly, and others can fetch a premium price as can original sculptures by lesser-known artists.
Curious as to how much the pencil drawing, watercolor, oil painting on the wall, or statue in the corner is worth? Contact iStuffSellers at 301-401-6688 and our trained experts will help you determine the true value of your beloved artwork within the DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland marketplace.