Downsizing With an Estate Seller

Downsizing With an Estate Seller

There comes a point in your life where downsizing becomes necessary. Whether you are moving out or decluttering, downsizing can help you free up space in your home. This is where iStuffSellers comes in. Our expertise in estate liquidation also helps us help customers downsize their homes. See why putting your trust in a downsizing estate seller brings you peace of mind and convenience.How Estate Sellers Help With Downsizing


How Do Estate Sellers Help With Downsizing?

Many people assume that estate sellers are only called up whenever someone has passed away and their entire estate needs to be sold, but estate sellers have many roles, and helping people with downsizing is one of them. Companies in this industry offer a wide range of services, including the handling of the financials, meaning that you can entrust downsizing with an estate seller.


What Estate Sellers Do For You


What Estate Sellers Do For You


Estate sellers can help you decide what to sell, what to keep, and even what to do with those you don’t want anymore. Through the use of appraisers and a large network of market contacts, downsizing with an estate seller means that your items are sold for the best market value.


Working With an Estate Seller


Working With an Estate Seller


Downsizing with an estate seller can be a convenient process, and here are the steps to ensure that your downsizing is as smooth and convenient as possible: 

  • Be realistic with your expectations.
  • Expect to negotiate.
  • Ask many questions.

The time it takes to downsize will take time regardless of the size of your estate. One thing to keep in mind is to be realistic with your expectations. Downsizing with an estate seller also means that you have to spend negotiating over the finer details. This is part and parcel of the process – a good sign that an estate seller can be trusted is if they are transparent about their process and willing to negotiate. Finally, don’t forget to ask many questions, especially if this is your first time downsizing via estate seller.


Estate Sellers: Working With the Costs


Estate Sellers: Working With the Costs


Downsizing with an estate seller can make for a very convenient experience. Not only does the company help you with downsizing, all the earnings it makes off a sale go to you, although keep in mind that estate sellers will typically charge a commission fee. Additional fees may also be charged for things like advertising, staging, and clean-ups.

One thing to keep in mind about commission fees is that they’re dependent on a percentage of a profit, meaning the more you sell, the more likely you can expect to pay more. Even so, being able to offload anything you no longer want and need while earning money is never a bad thing.


How Much Can I Make Off a Sale?

Predicting how much you will make when you downsize and sell through an estate seller is almost impossible. When downsizing with an estate seller, it is important to note that some things that you once paid a hefty sum for may have lost their value for any given reason, while others may have risen up. Estate sellers will typically give you an invoice and a fully itemized list in a few business days, so expect to get an in depth look at how well your sales went.

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